Better Hydration


It changes the bond angle of H2O from 104.5° to 114.5° by utilising a patented technology. The bond angle of 114.5° is found in intracellular water molecules. If we can make this change to the water that we drink even before we consume it, hydration becomes more efficient.

What Happens

When Your Body Cells Experience Better Hydration?

It Has
Greater Harmony

We all know water is a great transporter and moderator in our body. Better hydration would mean improved transportation rate of nutrients to every corner of our body, while the extermination of waste products will also be accelerated. In the long run, this could lead to improved metabolism and regeneration rate of healthy cells, leaving our body in a harmonious state of health.

It Can
Do Things Fast

By relieving our body of the process of changing the bond angle, we are making it 3–6 times easier for our body to absorb water. This means increased conditioning for athletes, thinner blood viscosity for those with heart problems, and healthier skin for everyone, as we all know wrinkles form because our cells can’t hydrate themselves as efficiently as when we were younger.

It Can
Recover Better

We all know water is a great transporter and moderator in our body. Better hydration would mean improved transportation rate of nutrients to every corner of our body, while the extermination of waste products will also be accelerated. In the long run, this could lead to improved metabolism and regeneration rate of healthy cells, leaving our body in a harmonious state of health.

It Becomes
More Youthful

By relieving our body of the process of changing the bond angle, we are making it 3–6 times easier for our body to absorb water. This means increased conditioning for athletes, thinner blood viscosity for those with heart problems, and healthier skin for everyone, as we all know wrinkles form because our cells can’t hydrate themselves as efficiently as when we were younger.

MRET Malaysia Tour : Important of Healthy Water
By Dr. Igor SmirnovPh.D. founder of Global Quantech, Inc
The many benefits of the patented MRET Technology have been scientifically validated by respected laboratories from around the world. Research findings regarding MRET Water have been highlighted in multiple science publications, as well as presented at more than a dozen international Science and Health Conferences.